Monday, March 13, 2006

Pictures, Finally

So I finally got my camera back... note to self, don't break it again because it costs just as much to fix it as it does to replace it!

Dallas Bar
Saturday night, Meagan and I were finally convinced to go to Dallas Bar, a backpacker place in North CBD. Andy and his buddies go there all the time for sickeningly cheap drinks... but the crowd can be summed up with 18 year old, hormone racing, surfer dudes. Meg and I were once again asked for identification when no one else we were with were and neither were any of the 18 year olds! grrr

I think we witnessed the longest lasting bar brawl ... let's just say the owner (a 70 year old) and the surfer boys got into it and the police arrived which lead to "Capsicum Spray" or in our language Pepper Spray. The bartenders rushed bottled water out the scene and were flushing the owners', the bouncers', and the boys' eyes out for about an hour. FYI Pepper spray is illegal here for civilians.

Me, Shaza, Meg, Mic at Dallas Bar

Immediately when I saw Lauren's friend bouncing around and talking... Richard Simmons came to mind. (In the city 3am)

I have written about the Docklands where I work a few times and I thought I would post some pictures of the things I see on my 30 minute walk to work.

The "Blow Hole" is my favorite piece of Melbourne art. The arms move at varying speeds and directions when the wind blows and the piece never moves in the same pattern.

Cow Up a Tree is a sculpture of a fantasy, but does actually happen from time-to-time thanks to the unpredictable and sudden nature of Australian floods.

This is one of Australia's first fleet, the Endeavor, and was actually sailing by Mecca Bah on Sunday!

Another structure designed to represent the flow of the water. The pink is supposed to represent the scales on schools of fish. Mecca Bah is just to the left of this.

My co-workers drinking after work... Mikhaela, Wade (sadly enough he's the guy in charge!), Justin, Julian, Broder, and Kazumi

Krispy Kreme is opening near Mecca so promo donuts have been floating around... no wonder people associate them with getting fat... you should see these Aussies pack them away! Dave the bartender ate 7.5 of them in one day...


Blogger About us said...

Awww yeah, my girl is a hottie! The hair looks great babe.

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenna, you and Meagan look terrific! Glad you're having a great time. Don't forget to come home!!

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that your pink flowy skirt Meagan has fashioned into a pink flowy shirt?!

9:14 PM  

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