Sunday, August 06, 2006

Chevy: Like a Rock...

Yes, I now believe those commercials... in fact, I think the producers of the commercials could have used our film to make a commercial! Let me explain... apparently we took a wrong turn somewhere on the way to the 14000 ft hike and ended up on this jeep path. Well being that my brother drives a big, fat, heavy, Chevy 2 wheel drive truck with a camper on the back... that jeep track wasn't made for us.

The boys read the sign that said "Only narrow, lifted, 4x4 trucks allowed past this point... very steep decline," they just kept going! The first decline was so steep that from my position in the front, the hood didn't come out in my pictures! The problem wasn't the steepness however, it was the fact that the trail was about 2 feet wider than our truck and the left side was a huge cliff into a valley with a river. Nice.

This was one of the "safer" areas! That's the edge just off to the right... the left was a mountain of rocks.

Well, in order to get over the boulders jutting out of the road, and get down the decline, the boys had to carry huge rocks to the trail and place them just so they went under the tires so the truck wouldn't bottom out. This was hard work and I couldn't carry the rocks because they were too heavy!

Well about the time we finished this decline, some hikers told me how stupid we were and how dangerous this road is ... how many people die trying to drive it every year... awesome. I was so scared that we were doing this that I walked behind the truck! Hell if I'm falling over the cliff's edge! :)

After about 3 hours of "building the road" and having only 3 wheels on the ground at one time, we made it through. Plus I had some time to take some pictures along the way. We were about 2 hours from Crested Butte and we got back just in time to have some dinner at the Pita Palace.

So after meeting up with a bunch of locals, we found out just how dangerous that road really is and just how lucky we were to make it in the vehicle we were driving. Apparently there are a bunch of wrecked cars at the bottom along the banks of the river from cars falling over the edge! Yikes!!

Brett, me, and Baby at a waterfall.

I guess the number 1 thing I learned was that 1.) chevy's are great trucks and 2.) my brother and I have VERY different views of scary and dangerous. Very Different!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many things are best not known to a mother until it is aaallll over.

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if the one comment was from your mom! At least she could still breathe well enough to type! Love your photos, Jenna. They just get better and better.

11:45 AM  

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