Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Dunedin...Home of the World's Steepest Street

Yes, Thursday June 15 we arrived in Dunedin (pron. Dune-E-din) which is very proud to be the "Home of the World's Steepest Street, Baldwin Street!" What an accomplishment! There was only one other person on the tour of the southern-most parts of New Zealand (i.e. Bottom Bus) and she was named Lise and was from Denmark.

Yeah, it's steep.

Dunedin is a small University town with very old architecture. One of the prettiest buildings was the Train Station because not only was the outside striking but there were .75 million tiny tiles that made up the patterns on the inside flooring.

The highlight of the Dunedin visit was our tour of the Cadbury Factory. Cadbury has the chocolate market on this side of the world and there's a good reason. The Cadbury here is not like the nasty Cadbury Easter candy we get in the states but rather an amazing, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate experience. I have never seen so much variety in chocolate bars than in NZ and Australia. Some examples: Black Forest (choc/cherry), Mint, Double Fudge Brownie, Country Chocolate, Energy Dark, Jaffa (choc/Orange), Dream (white choc), Triple (dark/milk/white), Licorice, and the list goes on. I mean honestly... it's amazing.

Despite the fact that I would have happily eaten chocolate for dinner, I ate roasted veggies at the Percolator Cafe.


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