Saturday, April 15, 2006

Oh how I love...


Meagan and I officially began the travelling portion of our trip this morning as our alarm clocks rudely awakened us at 4:30am from the comfort of our beds!

Wednesday night we sadly moved out of our Southbank apartment... but not before we enjoyed one "last supper" with our flatmates. The pasta dinner was followed by a concerted effort to clean the place so it would be ready for the future tenants. It was sad to leave, but we spent Wed-Fri nights at Stuart's parents' house packing and re-packing our things so they all fit in our backpacks! I am proud to say I am travelling with only 16kg (that's just about 35lbs) of things!

Meagan and I flew on separate flights (30 mins apart) and then navigated our way from the airport to the trains to our hostel with no problems. Our check in was early so we dropped our bags and I tried to summon every bit of energy Meagan had to get her to Bondi Beach. After living with her for 6 years, I know that when she doesn't sleep the night before... she's basically worthless... but by mid afternoon... she's fine.

After taking the train and two buses, we reached Bondi Beach ... it was just as beautiful as I remembered. We bought some swim suits and ate some lunch. Then we layed out on the soft sand in our clothes... too cold to take all of our clothes off... but still enjoying the clear, blue skies.

Bondi Beach

After Bondi, we headed to the grocery store ... honestly... I don't remember Sydney being this busy! There were thousands of people out on the streets. We were like pin balls-- dodging left and right just to make it safely to the store! Meagan and I are learning the art of "budgeting" and so we bought things to cook for breakie and dinner for the next two days. Pasta with fresh vegetables chopped up in tomato sauce was on the menu.

The kitchen in the hostel was packed with people and was equipped with 5 work stations each containing a sink and two gas burners. All these people were passing around pots and pans... and borrowing ingredients when in a pinch. It actually works out pretty well despite the fact that we were "fork-vultures". That's when you hunt down those who are finished eating to use their forks! Eww... These two dietitians are definitely going to have to get over any germ-o-phobias we might have! As you would expect, we definitely pre-washed EVERYTHING we used ... haha! We might have given Rachael Raye a run for her money with our 30 minute meal, however.

Sydney Opera House ... I just can't get enough good pictures of this structure! Meagan and I spent Easter Sunday walking around this area.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know how long you'll be in Sydney, but you might try to contact Fliss. I think you have her number. We may see her at Christmas---you just never know with those boys!!!

Sounds like you are off on a wonderful adventure. Can't wait to hear all of the great stories once you return.


10:41 AM  

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