Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I wrestled with a Crocodile!!!!

Okay, so no crocodile wrestling actually happened... in fact I didn't even see a croc but I needed to catch your attention so you'd read my next post! It was brought to my attention by Sarah that I have been slacking on the updates ... there's a good reason for that. Absolutely nothing has been going on with me.

Let's backtrack a little. I will try to find things that are remotely interesting...

North America Takes over the Flat ;)
I got two new flatmates and they are Canadians! Yaay! A flat once dominated by Brits (Nutella and Vegemite lovers) is now under the influence of North America, the land where peanut-butter flows from rivers ! Our poor British flatmate Gavin is out numbered when it comes to the proper way to pronounce words such as "advertisement," "docile," and "oregano." I really like spending time with them and the dynamics in the house are great. Natalie and Gei are really down-to-earth and outgoing and both played college soccer. I went for an hour run with them the other day and it was fabulous to have someone to challenge and push me to run.

Stuart (one of the guys who visited us in Texas) has returned from Shang-Hai and there was a BBQ at Mic's house on Sunday to officially welcome him. The cricket was on the whole time I was there so I spent my afternoon on the computer. I am not a huge fan of the game... if you've ever watched it... what do you think?

Ready for a Change of Pace
I have been working every day and still not making 40 hours per week. I am very tired of this environment and ready for something that challenges me intellectually and pays a little better. I finally got an interview with the placement agency and that will be on Monday HIP HIP HOOORAY! Meagan's got a real job and it definitely makes me anxious to start one as well. Hopefully I get as lucky as she has and get a sweet hook-up/location.

Australian Open
Hmm... the Australian Open (Tennis) is in play right now and I really wanted to see Venus, Serena, and Andy Roddick play Monday and Tuesday but I was working. The ticket prices have gone way up now so I'm not sure I'm gonna make it out there. It is a huge deal in Australia and people fly from all over to attend the games. They are within walking distance from my house.. as is everything!

Mom's Coming!
Mom is coming to Melbourne on Monday (that's just 4 days from now!) and I'm so excited! I have already bought flights to Sydney so she can see both places and I have booked reservations to tour a lavender farm, wineries, and walk through some actual shrub mazes! There are so many other things I have planned as well! Make sure you check back to get her opinion of the activities!


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